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Hírkategória: Általános
  • ISGRE online course: Policystic Ovary Syndrome – Etiology, Pathophisiology, Health Impact and Ad Hoc Therapies (January 30th to May 29th 2025)
    [2024.12.12.] - MSZNET - Hírkategória: Általános

    Registrations are now open for the upcoming ISGRE online course: Policystic Ovary Syndrome – Etiology, Pathophisiology, Health Impact and Ad Hoc Therapies to be held from January 30th to May 29th 2025.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex and multifaceted condition that significantly impacts women's health, reproductive capacity, cardiovascular risk, and oncological outcomes. This course emphasizes its importance, highlighting how PCOS affects not only reproductive health but also broader aspects of a woman’s phenotype and metabolic risks. From adolescence to older age, PCOS influences fertility, the likelihood and outcomes of pregnancy, metabolic health, oncological risk, and psycho-sexual dynamics, carrying profound implications for overall quality of life.

    Furthermore, this course is part of the Professional Certificate Program offered by the ISGE to become an ISGE Certified Practitioner. An application has been submitted to the EACCME/UEMS for accreditation of this event.

    Visit the course website in order to discover the amazing Scientific Program and list of Speakers and to take advantage of the discount fee reserved to you as an ISGE member.

    We look forward to meeting you Thursday 30th January 2025 for the first lesson titled “Genetic steroidogenic defects affecting the gonads and adrenals” held by Doctor Christa Flück.


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